Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Success in its contemporary overview Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Success in its contemporary overview - Essay Example This involves accomplishment of the set aim and purpose and this is accompanied by a favorable outcome of the relevant underlying action taken. On the other perspective but ascribing to the above assertion is that success is the growth development and the improvement of an individual becoming better than before. In general I can assert that success means for an individual to be able to achieve what he or she has set to do or accomplish. The person whom I consider to be successful is the Barrack Hussein Obama. Barrack Obama is the current president of the United States of America. Barrack Obama being the first black president in the history of America attributes him to being not only a successful politician but also a successful campaigner. The success of president Barrack Obama is greatly attributed to his successful accomplishments he has achieved in USA for the first term he is about to complete. Obama was able to pass the universal health care bill whereby he was able to accomplis h what other presidents like George Bush and Bill Clinton had unsuccessfully tried to pass. Secondly is that Obama successfully prevented the second great economic depression which was looming hat the time he took over leadership from the republican George Bush, he did this successfully by passing the economic stimulus along other innovative policies adopted by the federal governments. Obama has been able to successfully end the war in Iraq by reducing the number of American forces in Iraq. By ending the war the Obama government has been able to do away with the costly and misguided war with no clear purpose and aim. Since the Obama government took over leadership, the president has been able to make a good international image and the perception of USA. He has successfully repaired the bad image by enhancing the relationship with other influential foreign powers across the world. Obama has successfully brought reforms in the United States Judicial system by successfully appointing t wo Supreme Court justices. Also it is notable that Obama has successfully brought financial reforms in the various American industrial sector as well as the educational reforms. With these few notable evidence which attributes Obama being a successful leader and a politician, there are many more which relates to the same. From this it can be asserted that Obama is one of the successful politicians who will be remembered in the American history. In my opinion success cannot be perceived to be spectacular but it is evident in an individual’s life. Therefore whatever goal or objective that one desires is facilitated by the success determinants which are universal in regard to the success of an individual. These determinants are the inner qualities and powers that are required for the achievement. The first one is the individual’s ability to make appropriate decisions quickly in regard to what is supposed to be achieved. Secondly is the strong desire that is required as a driving force towards success. This is complimented by the will power which is the boosting morale in cases of anticipated failures. The level of concentration also matters and this is the individual’s ability to concentrate on the goals and objectives on what is to be done. Another determinant is the set visions which guides and motivates the individuals towards success. Finally regards to self-discipline and persistence where and individual to succeed must have a set of code and ethics that acts as guidance through ought the road to success. The person identified is a CEO of his own company which is has its operations all over the country. The person also owns other investments as shares in numerous profit making companies notably in various sectors of the economy. He defines success as the ability of the individual to

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